Thursday, 19 February 2015

TTIP: If we lose our democracy, we have only ourselves to blame.

Last week I went to a local 38 Degrees meeting. The meeting was an open discussion of local activist concerns to be fed into a national view. The idea was to talk about how to make the world a better place. I went armed with my familiar prejudices, climate change and taxation. However what happened was much more interesting.
Someone spoke about plans to build 400 houses on grade 1 agricultural land belonging to the local lord of the manor. All those brown field site going spare and the countryside is under threat. The local council really couldn’t care and is very dismissive of local voters concerns. Local democracy is irrelevant when you have government targets, pressure from developers and profits for the local gentry at stake.

Another person spoke about the NHS being privatised. Not simply from a distant point of view but from someone who belongs to a group that tries to be represented at every monthly meeting of the local CCG. Someone who knows what they are talking about. They say getting involved with the CCG is very educational. Lots of services are being set up for privatisation and we are unaware of it.  NHS budgets are being cut irrespective of the official government line.

The most interesting topic was TTIP and again an ordinary concerned citizen stood up and spoke about what this trade negotiation between the EEC and the United states means to us all. By coincidence this was to be followed up this week when I was in the audience of around 80 people to hear John Hilary, director of War on Want, lead a discussion on TTIP. 

TTIP starts from a fairly logical business point of view. Barriers to trade exist not in the form of import taxes but as rules and regulations which inhibit competition. So the logical answer is to say that legislation in one country should be accepted by other countries. However this reasonable sounding start has teeth.

TTIP includes legislation to offer recompense if a market is not open. It works like this, A business which feels it is unfairly excluded from a market it serves can present its case to a closed court to be judged by business lawyers with no public accountability. Governments can be forced to pay millions in compensation for future profits lost. Such courts exist at the moment within Europe and between the USA and other countries such as Australia. The experience is not good. In Australia big tobacco is taking the government to court over plain packaging not simply for the impact on the current market but for loss of future profits given the tobacco companies plans to expand. Germany is being taken to court by a Swedish company because Germany decided to run down and close its nuclear power stations damaging the Swedish companies plans to expand their business. The Swedish company want €250 million for future profits lost.

Imagine what this means for the National Health Service. We can stop this but do you think our politicians care.  So many of our MP’s have business interests in private health care, including consultancies and directorships for American health businesses. The EEC negotiators state that this is not going to threaten public services and that the protestors are being naive. But be honest, US health companies have wanted a piece of the NHS for years now and TTIP gives them the teeth to exploit the changes introduced to the NHS by this coalition government.

As ever images speak louder than words and John Hilary spoke about American industrial farms where 15,000 cattle are held in cages within sheds and fed on grain. Due to the conditions and unsuitable diet they have to receive large amounts of antibiotics. They are also fed growth hormones which are carcinogenic. All of this is illegal in Britain. But TTIP is about doing away with barriers to trade. We simply will not be able to stop American exports of beef.   

TTIP will see the steady dismantling of our environmental and health protection in a race to the bottom. We can stop TTIP now. But all the major parties want it, although Labour are a bit wobbly so they can be influenced. We need to make your voice known. First check the facts on the internet, don’t just take my word for it. Second write to your MEP and make your voice known.

Important links:

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Global warming – Stupid lasts forever.

Aristophanes  “Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” 

I watched a TV documentary on how the Somerset Levels were coping a year after the floods.  I noticed a few things. 

  • One, how brave the guy from the Environment Agency was in talking to the residents. A few had a real go at him and he remained polite and sympathetic. Sadly few of the locals wanted to listen.
  • Secondly, there was very little mention of global warming and no mention of sea level rise. I think this is a political failure. Our politicians lie to us and it is easier for us to live with that lie than face up to the awful truth. The Levels are almost at sea level now and very soon will be below sea level. Which bit of that do you not understand?
  • Third was how people in denial are making such stupid decisions.  Dredging a river which is below sea level can only speed up the ingress of the sea.
  • Lastly, it was all about the Levels with no mention of other areas flooded or of homes lost to the seas on the east coast. Okay Somerset is what the program was about but it reinforces the poor us attitude of the Somerset Levellors.

I am 62 and if I live to be 85 I will see the Somerset Levels reclaimed by the sea. I feel sorry for the people living there but they are ignorant of the facts. 

Over the last 100 years sea levels rose by 20 cm. But the rate of increase is accelerating at a very fast rate. Over the next 20 years expect a 30 cm rise as a minimum. The IPCC predict a rise of between 75 cm to 1.80 metres by 2100. We are currently tracking at the top of this range. 

A different method a calculating sea levels is based on looking at the relationship between global average temperature and sea levels. This semi-empirical method maps closely to the kinetic figures used by the IPCC effectively confirming them to date. However the projections from the semi-empirical data predict a sea level rise three times greater than the IPCC predictions in the future.

Latest science has yet to be reviewed by the IPCC, but if its valid the 1.8 metres is an underestimate. 6 metres is possible by 2100. 

Interesting footnote - Iceland is actually rising. Thats a result of a bounce as heavy ice retreats and the land thaws. Anticipate Bjorn Lomborg, Christopher Monkton and the rest of Nigel Lawson's crazy gang to bring that up as evidence of a conspiracy. Truth is that the land disturbance will drive more volcanic activity. Also sea levels in the Arctic are rising more slowly than the global average, which is a really interesting result of reducing mass affecting local gravitational attraction. Wow! Sea level rise is not uniform across the planet.

Here is a prediction - Miami is only around 1.10 metres above sea level. It will be the first major western city to be abandoned despite spending billions of dollars to try to save it.

A must read:

Only the little people pay taxes.

Newspapers have been studying the leak of information about HSBC’s tax avoidance schemes run from its Swiss subsidy. The Swiss banks have an army of lawyers threatening to pounce if UK newspapers name anyone. Polly Toynbee has an excellent article in the Guardian where she points out that many countries have instigated criminal proceedings against HSBC but the UK is not one of them.

The Coalition will to point out that we have recovered £135 million from tax evaders. However even though the UK has more citizens on the HSBC list than other countries, we have recovered less. HSBC are in the dock because they have been found out. The other banks are also engaged in tax avoidance.

Meanwhile the Conservative Party held a fund raising dinner with tickets at £15,000 a pop. 12 of the donors were hedge fund managers responsible for some 50% of party income. Of course this is totally unrelated to the income tax reduction from 50% to 45% introduced by George Osborne. Donations are only coming in at 10% of the tax cuts. I wonder if George is disappointed?

David Cameron has accused Red Ed of not understanding business. Well here is todays rant:
  • Hedge Funds have their own agenda. They are not businesses in a traditional sense.
  • Hedge funds lead the volume of equity trading. this is speculation, not business investment.
  • Hedge funds are subsidised by the tax payer. You and I pay stamp duty if we buy shares. Hedge funds are exempt from stamp duty!
  • Hedge funds now fund the conservative party. (over 50% of donations are from hedge funds)
  • Business want to stay in Europe.
  • Hedge funds would leave Europe rather than accept legislative interference in their right to be greedy and make excessive profits at our expense.
  • Hedge fund billionaires have received 10 times more money from the income tax cut (50% to 45%) than they have donated to the conservative party. 
  • Hedge funds have been repaid for their donations through the Conservatives stopping the Tobin financial transactions tax.
  • This is not business. This is an abuse of good government in the fantasy world of free markets.
  • Hedge funds have been allowed to corrupt capitalism and enslave our democracy. I want my democracy back.
Headline is a quote from Leona Helmsley the American “Queen of Mean” sentenced to 16 year for tax evasion. She served less than 2 years in prison. In Britain she would have been made a Dame for services to charity.

Recommended reading - anything by Ha-Joon Chang who knows more about free markets than all our MP's put together. Particularly Bad Samaritans, or 23 things.